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Thursday, February 8, 2007

So Says You!


The real debate competition is officially next Thursday -- an EXACT week from today -- and we don't even have a third speaker!! Oh, the suspense. I literally freaked when Krystle told me the news. I seriously had to force myself not to go all, "WTF" and scream deliriously!

Man, this thing just suddenly bombarded my way -- hard.

Oh, and did I mention the title of the official debate next Thursday? Its, "Watching Television Is A Waste Of Time."

*Choke.* *Cough.*

I didn't know whether to be pleased or upset about the situation -- I mean, this title was the EXACT same title we used for our first debate competition last year... What's the chances of THAT?!

I've rummaged through all the Ikea boxes on the top of my shelf, searched through my stack of dusty old files, even stood on a chair to reach for the pile of papers on my closet, just to find what I was looking for. Happy to say, I found it: all the points I'd ever need to come up with the perfect speech.

*Gulp.* Now if only I can bring myself to memorize it and make it sound convincing. Hehe...

Well, aside from that, the tea party celebrating Pav's 16th b'day has been confirmed on Sunday. Yay! Seriously can't wait. For the first time in AGES, I'm actually gonna put on that skirt I'd never thought of wearing in public before -- in fact, I haven't even worn it in the safety of my own home. I'm usually seen in a pair of dark jeans and a simple blouse or t-shirt or something like that... heh.

I still don't have a CLUE as to what I'm gonna give Pav for her b'day this Sunday. Book? No. Money? Naah. Chocolate? Errm. I wanna think of something original and unique -- something that screams, "This was made by the one and only Hannah Nasir!!!", or something like that. Hmm. I'm still thinking about it.

Anyways... on the lighter note -- my LimeWire works again!! Woo!

I've downloaded a few songs today, and slept to Avril Lavigne's, "Fall to Pieces". Now, I'm not saying I like her or anything, but the song is really sweet.

Nyeh. I'm getting the money for my PMR results next week -- yay, me! Right before Chinese New Year! Yeah, cheers!! I've totally got all the songs ready for downloading onto my brand, spankin' new Mp4 player! I SO can NOT wait. Hehehe...

I've been asked about the V day fund-raiser again. It seems Melissa's whole family is gonna be there. I'm not sure I should come, but then again, the chance of meeting new people and mingling IS good for my social life... Ehh... Not sure. I have to think, think, think! Tomorrow's the day I give my answer (not to mention my pay of RM20!).

Hmm. I don't think I'll make it, then.

Daddy doesn't know about it, and I'm guessing that by the mere mention of the word, "Valentine's", he'll be all against it -- even if it is a fund raiser.

Anyways, that's it for now, I suppose. I should really learn to end these posts more appropriately. Bye, darlings (LOL. Never immagined I'd actually say THAT!).

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