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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fooled By A Pancake: A True Story

I've been rather busy these past few days; ever since the last update of this blog. See, our next (first, for this year) debate competition is officially next Thursday, and I'd be damned if I took the occasion lightly.

We (the main debaters) have been meeting non-stop. We had our first meeting yesterday at McDonald's, where we didn't get much done, and ended up getting trapped in the rain after a quick break to the nearby 7-11 (I'll elaborate more on that in a bit). Today, in fact, we just had our second meeting -- but this time at a more suitable location; Book Culture; and this Sunday we are gonna schedule in our final, last-minute meet before the official debate competition.

Its been rough, planning all this. And the fact that I was just forced to do loads of research and am forced to get two speeches done AND memorized by this Sunday brings me back to the suckier parts of debate.

I mean, how could I possibly forget the struggle I had to endure last year? So far I've just remembered the various victories and the many lepaking we were able to schedule in during class hours... now I know.

Of course, I am taking this debate thing far less seriously than I did last year. I honestly do not want to get into a nervous breakdown before the competition, and I don't want to cry if I lose, so... whatever. I'm just hoping to take the stage right and claim this year my own.

Anyways, on to the tale of the very unfortunate Wednesday...

We met up around 2.20pm. Our original plan was to meet and totally go all out; not take our own sweet time and schedule in some unwanted crap-sessions. But somehow, being the "oh-so-focused" group of people we were, we could not help but to constantly stray out of topic.

I don't know exactly how it happened, but we had somehow managed to go from "Internet Promotes Learning" (our title for debate next week), to 7-11, to One Tree Hill. Don't know why, but most schools take us for granted. Perhaps it is merely the name, "SMK Bukit Kemuning" that makes us sound like kampung-ers, but I, personally, do not get it.

We have a McDonald's, for crying out loud!! Not to mention 3 (count 'em, 3!!) 7-11s! I mean, does that not just scream "civilization" to you?! What kampung do you personally know has 3 7-11s?? Besides, we almost even had a Jusco!


Apart from that, after the whole trip to ONE of the THREE 7-11s in our dear, wonderful and very much civilized town, we got caught in the rain on the way back. Me with hands full of goodies I just spent on. I still remember it; a blue-coloured, terribly melted slurpy in my right hand, and a delightful Picnic bar in my left.

So, there we stood. Sitting (or in my case, standing) underneath Proton, the shop right across from McDonald's (a symbolism of civilization), watching the heavy rain fall from the gray-coloured heavens, waiting for our parents to arrive... happy, happy day.

And today was another happy day. Oh, yes. We had gone out to this quaint little restaurant called "Treats" while supposedly waiting for our ex-Third Speaker, kG, to arrive. It was a pretty well-decorated restaurant... the menus were sweet... it even had decent background music! However, as all good things must have its faults, ours happened to be a rather big one (or should I say "little"?)

After recieving the menu, we decided to order this very appetizing-looking plate of pancakes, which, according to the menu, had a stack of FOUR in one plate. The size of the pancakes were also decently large, and was topped with very attractive syrup and a stick of butter. Scattered on the side of the dish, making it look even more scrumptious, was a handfull of strawberries and blueberries.

Being the suckers we were, Zenj and I decided to try some. We bought only one plate, deciding so because we thought there would be four pancakes (two for each) and would split the cost in half. I mean, a plate of pancakes THAT appetizing would definately be worth its price, right? RM6.90 only, right? If its as good as they made it look.

After minutes of waiting, our pancakes finally arrived. What was placed on the table before us was not at all what we had expected.

There was a plate, yes. Pancakes, yes. Syrup, a bottle, in fact.

But the pancakes were mini-sized and the syrup was cheap and there weren't even proper strawberries! We paid RM6.90 for a plate of THREE mini-pancakes and a small stick of strawberry JAM.


Grr... You have no idea how terribly cheated I felt at that moment. I even had Audrey take pictures of the pancakes with her camera-phone. I'll show it to you on my next post, together with the picture shown on the menu, and a delightful ad for men.

Til next time!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Room to Breathe

eI've been extremely pissed-out lately, and I don't really know the reason why. I just find everything irritating and unbearable, and I often find myself cussing and snapping at the tiniest of faults and reasons.

At the moment, I am sitting in my room, soaking in the tantalizing lyrics of Linkin Park and trying to ease my flaring temper. I just cleaned up downstairs, and I am now locking myself from the rest of my family.

My uncontrollable temper seems to slowly be clawing into the moods of everyone else; now my sister is mad for no reason, and I have the great temptation of screaming at her to, "shut the hell up."

Sometimes I wonder; would I be happier if I was all alone? Uninterrupted by the petty needs of the rest of the world?

I realize that my temper seems to unleash itself far more during the holidays than it does during my average school days. Is it just me? or perhaps the fact that I don't have enough time during school days to flare out at everyone else??

Well, I've gotta go now. I'm skipping my chores, and ignoring my parents, so I best not push my luck any further. Bye.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sweat, Grime and Valentines

Today was Valentines Day -- is Valentines Day -- and as usual, nothing completely out-of-the-ordinary happened; to me, at least.

We spent a whole 3 hours at the school field; sweating, stinking and whining under the hot sun while we waited our turn on the lontar peluru whatever whatever. I made a total fool out of myself by being one of the few people who did not pass a single event! Ergh! I'm so furious at myself.

By 10.10am, my face resembled that of a lobster, and I was, to put it into simple terms, terribly embarassed.

On the bright side, however, the whole, "sukantara" thing wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Ariel and I had our share of laughs. We made up this rediculous song that drove mostly everyone who heard it insane! Haha. I got a good laugh out of that one.

You know the song, "Farmer in the Dell"? Yes, the child song, thats the one. Yeah, well, due to the fact that UV rays were practically drilling holes through my very flesh, Ariel and I had come up with this new way of singing it -- a parody, if you must.

I won't waste my time by typing the entire bloody thing into this blog. I'm far too... sane... to do such a thing.

After recess, Ariel and I occupied our preciously wasted time by doing other preciously wasted activities. We read, we sang, we chatted. Nothing much there. Our Math teacher allowed us to go out at 1.38pm, instead of the usual 2pm.

Having MORE free time on our hands, Ariel and I decided to make a quick break to the nearby 7-11. We bought ice-creams and chowed down before my mum came to pick me up.

And.... here I am!

Interesting day, huh? All I want to do now is fall into unconsciousness by the sweet, soothing sounds of my Windows Media Player. I would use an MP4 player instead, but considering I don't have one, I had to stick with my lame second alternative. Sob! I'm just pathetic like that.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good News, Bad News Dillema

Yeah! I finally posted in a new story on fanfiction. Its, as usual, a Hiei/Botan thing, from the anime, "Yu Yu Hakusho". Eep! I'm SO excited. I love the story so, so much. You can check out my profile and read some of my fics here: Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out!

News update!

Valentines Day tomorrow. Woo (note sarcasm in, "woo"). I expect nothing, not even a lollipop FROM MYSELF to MYSELF, because, apparently, I got the news way too late. Grr.

Meh, whatever.

Last night I watched this great movie called, "Skeleton Key". It was AWESOME! I totally rated it an 8 out of 10. Kate Hudson was brilliant in the movie. The whole thing moved on like realism. I loved it so much. It is one of the few horror flicks out there that kept me awake at night.

I mean it. I was literally kept awake til about 2am, thinking about that movie. The scariest part was the Hoodoo chanting on the recording. I'm so scared I don't dare type it down! I couldn't sleep so bad that I was forced to turn on the radio. I was lulled to unconsciousness by the irritating sounds of Michelle Branch's "Everywhere", over and over and over again! My old radio malfunctioned somewhere in the night that it kept repeating the same songs.

Apart from that, I was also kept awake by the multiple mosqitoe bites all throughout my body. Ergh! Scratch bites during this super hot season is NOT a good combination. I can't believe my stinkin' aircon chose THIS time of year to go all malfunctioned on me! Ergh!

Hmm. Did I tell you about the reading I was invited to? No, of course I didn't, dummy, I just found out today. D'oh!

Haha. I've been asked to read something out, though I'm afraid I shan't. I haven't got a single thing to read. A poem, an essay... Plus, there is the whole "stage fright" matter to look forward to, as well.

Okay! Good news!

Daddy FINALLY brought back theRM200! YAY. I am SO gonna buy myself an MP4 player this weekend. Woo! Victory dance, everyone!

The third speaker for debate has been chosen, too. Its Audrey. She's actually a lot better than me, to be honest, and I'm just glad I knew her beforehand, and that we ain't stuck with some jerk who wants to overthrow the rest of us. Haha.

Done with the good news, now for the bad:


Oh, sob, oh, cry! I SO do NOT want to go there and make a total fool out of myself. Just like everything else, I do it with a passion. A HATEFUL passion. I HATE SPORTS!! NOOOO!

I'm so dead tomorrow. Lontar peluru AND cakera. Sob! Oh, take me now!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Old Habits Die Hard

There's nothing much to say... In fact, I don't even know why I decided to update. Its probably got something to do with the fact that I am so utterly bored. Strange, ne?

I've been spending most of this Saturday reading fanfiction, SasuxSaku fanfiction, to be more specific. I haven't much time to update my love for Naruto through YouTube (due to the fact that I am simply too lazy to wait for the connecting process), so I decided to fulfil my sense of passion through fan-made stories instead.

I apologize for my hideous English tonight. I'm listening to Chris Daughtry's, Its Not Over, and, as music usually leaves my mind in total havok, I can't help but cause some grammatical mistakes.

Mum is forcing me to finish my homework... whatever it may be... or I'll be grounded from going to Pav's b'day tomorrow.

Seriously! She is taking this "grounding" process too seriously. Its, like, the only thing she is threatening me with. Ever since she found out from her friends that "grounding your child is the way to go!", she decided it was all right to poke fun at me and threaten me... this and that.

Honestly, I'm not the least bit shaken. I mean, what could she possibly do? Send me to my room?

Please. I'm an anti-social 16-year-old with no love life -- I practically LIVE in my room. In fact, I'd rather BE in my room instead of the mall (yes, I'm very weird that way, ne?).

The only reason I decided not to argue with her just this once, was the thought of missing Pav's party. I mean, its not everyday a girl like me gets invited to this sort of thing. So I decided, "eh, might as well shut my mouth. At least for today." Nothing else can phase my totally nonchalant phase, anyways.

But, seriously! The way my mum puts it, I'm the most, "rude, careless, forgetful, disrespectful, irresponsible, ill-mannered, CHILD", one could possibly have.

She. Has. Got. To. Be. KIDDING. ME.

I mean, how can you possibly believe the overly-sweet facade' most children smack on in front of their elders? Its hilarious. I'm the only decent being out there who thinks being 'honest' with myself is the way to go.

And I am not "irresponsible".

I mean, you don't see me throwing insane par-tays everytime my parents are out (which happens to be a lot), right? Just because I happen to FORGET my chores once in a while, or release a groan of annoyance everytime I am told to throw out the trash, does NOT make me the most irresponsible human being on the face of the earth. I don't ditch classes, or skip homework (most of the times), or leave my study-books to rot in the God-forsaken Malaysian weather -- I study, and attain decent grades, and make friends with kind, tolerable people, and say "please" and "thank you".

No, I mean it. SERIOUSLY. What would it take to get my parents to be satisfied and proud with the way I am now?? -- I, personally, do not want to make my point by doing something majorly drastic; Like change myself entirely and act all "bad ass" to prove that I can be worse.

Sometimes, I just wish my parents would see that I all ready HAVE made changes -- for their sake. I have been trying my best to ease down on the temper-issues and control my emo ways. Sometimes, a simple gesture of appreciation, instead of a whole load of commenting bullshit, would make me feel a lot nicer of myself, and make me want to work to be a better person.

But, considering that doesn't seem to be happening at the moment, I guess I'm just going to be living like this... the total lazy-assed git that I am now, huh?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

So Says You!


The real debate competition is officially next Thursday -- an EXACT week from today -- and we don't even have a third speaker!! Oh, the suspense. I literally freaked when Krystle told me the news. I seriously had to force myself not to go all, "WTF" and scream deliriously!

Man, this thing just suddenly bombarded my way -- hard.

Oh, and did I mention the title of the official debate next Thursday? Its, "Watching Television Is A Waste Of Time."

*Choke.* *Cough.*

I didn't know whether to be pleased or upset about the situation -- I mean, this title was the EXACT same title we used for our first debate competition last year... What's the chances of THAT?!

I've rummaged through all the Ikea boxes on the top of my shelf, searched through my stack of dusty old files, even stood on a chair to reach for the pile of papers on my closet, just to find what I was looking for. Happy to say, I found it: all the points I'd ever need to come up with the perfect speech.

*Gulp.* Now if only I can bring myself to memorize it and make it sound convincing. Hehe...

Well, aside from that, the tea party celebrating Pav's 16th b'day has been confirmed on Sunday. Yay! Seriously can't wait. For the first time in AGES, I'm actually gonna put on that skirt I'd never thought of wearing in public before -- in fact, I haven't even worn it in the safety of my own home. I'm usually seen in a pair of dark jeans and a simple blouse or t-shirt or something like that... heh.

I still don't have a CLUE as to what I'm gonna give Pav for her b'day this Sunday. Book? No. Money? Naah. Chocolate? Errm. I wanna think of something original and unique -- something that screams, "This was made by the one and only Hannah Nasir!!!", or something like that. Hmm. I'm still thinking about it.

Anyways... on the lighter note -- my LimeWire works again!! Woo!

I've downloaded a few songs today, and slept to Avril Lavigne's, "Fall to Pieces". Now, I'm not saying I like her or anything, but the song is really sweet.

Nyeh. I'm getting the money for my PMR results next week -- yay, me! Right before Chinese New Year! Yeah, cheers!! I've totally got all the songs ready for downloading onto my brand, spankin' new Mp4 player! I SO can NOT wait. Hehehe...

I've been asked about the V day fund-raiser again. It seems Melissa's whole family is gonna be there. I'm not sure I should come, but then again, the chance of meeting new people and mingling IS good for my social life... Ehh... Not sure. I have to think, think, think! Tomorrow's the day I give my answer (not to mention my pay of RM20!).

Hmm. I don't think I'll make it, then.

Daddy doesn't know about it, and I'm guessing that by the mere mention of the word, "Valentine's", he'll be all against it -- even if it is a fund raiser.

Anyways, that's it for now, I suppose. I should really learn to end these posts more appropriately. Bye, darlings (LOL. Never immagined I'd actually say THAT!).

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another Ordinary Day

There isn't much to say, just that I regret not posting anything up yesterday. I was sleepy by 9.50pm (which really is surprising, considering I usually stay up til midnight, reading fanfiction!)

School has been busy, busy, busy!

I'm up to my legs (I should use neck, but that is too much, and knees are too little) in extra curriculur activities -- but, aah, I'll do it for the sake of getting out of NS. Its mostly to do with English (my favourite subject); I have debate to tend to (as last year's first speaker I found it was my unnoficial duty to bridge back an fourth between the debaters and the teacher in charge!), essays to look forward to, and (here's a new one!), literature classes to think about.

Aaah, the burden...

I think the teacher wants me to get a name list of all the people interested and photocopy the papers for them, but I'm not exactly sure.

Being the total idiot I was, I could do nothing but stutter, "ummm", evertime somebody asks me questions regarding debate or the essay writing competition or the literature classes! For some reason, everybody thinks I'm in charge -- and I have unnoficially put the post upon myself once again! Aaah....

Pavithra's b'day is coming up soon, and, I don't whether it was a good idea to post this up here, considering anybody can easily find it and the surprise would be totally ruined (though I'm not sure whether its supposed to be a surprise). I think we're gonna have some sort of tea party this Sunday...

Hmm. Another problem: what to buy??

I need a good gift to get her, and I was thinkin' I could do something simple on the computer -- I'll just click a few buttons, add a few flashy images and POOF! The perfect present.

I doubt that's possible, however.

Maybe I'll end up buying chocolate, AGAIN.

Anyways, according to mum, we'll have to cancel our trip to the hotsprings with Roslyn this Sunday if we're having the party. Oh, no! And I really wanted to go, too! All that relaxation would probably do me some good.

Valentines day is coming up and Qis has invited me for this "Valentines Day Fund Raiser". Melissa wants me to go, but I'm not sure I should... besides, with all those couples there I'd probably stand out as the third wheel, and I really don't want that to happen!

Ugh. I can so picture my self; grimacing in the corner with a plate of food in front of my face, as, to the left and right of me, couples are giving each other lovey-dovey looks, or dancing on the dance floor. Yck!

Oh well. Thats all from me, then. I'll check back soon when I have something more interesting to tell. Ja ne!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Its All About Me

I can't believe I'm actually giving up on my old blog, "0blivi0us" for a new one. But, yeah, here I am. Typing on a new blog... with its normal font, and its boring wallpaper-white template... yeah.

The reason I've decided to start a new blog was because my old one was starting to sound a little too... angsty for my taste. Accoriding to my mum, and other people I know, blogs are supposed to be about writing out your experiences, not starting a war of words or unleashing your emotions upon -- that's a diary's job [insert cheesy grin here].

Anyways, I'm not new to the whole blogging experience, I've been using blogger since the year 2004 (I think), with the exception of most of 2006, of course, where I had been absent from the presence of the internet for the longest time.

Aahh, well.

I just wish I had made a new profile instead. But, nooo, I'm probably using the same stinkin' old one I did with my last blog (I blame myself for not wanting to start a new email account).

Anyways, more about myself (though I'm sure you all know most about me based on my profile! Heh!); just because its a new blog and all, I think its best we start with the formalities, ne?

All right: Hi! My name is Hannah -- which is short for Noor Hannah Bt Mohd Nasir Bin Mohd Khalid Bin... Ahh, you get the point! Its just Hannah, for you (not "Hana" or "Hanah", Hannah!). I'm 16-year-old and I am currently in the Science Stream (I say currently coz you never know when I'd be kicked out -- I'm really bad at Physics and Chemistry).

I have a deep, very powerful passion towards art (be it writing, reading, drawing -- you name it), and I have no other interests that do not concern such. I like history, I hate Science. I enjoy painting, I despise sports.

I am currently on the road of becoming a world-reknown author/producer/co-director of a book I will later publish and become a bigger hit than the great Harry Potter itself.

I have huge ambitions, and, together with such, a few, rather major flaws: I'm a very, very competetive, emotional, somewhat bossy, over-expressive, highly sensitive, extremely egoistic, totally dramatic, working time-bomb, and I often find myself waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

There is a purpose I abandoned my old blog for this classy, sleek new one. Its because my old blog was far too harsh and deep and melodramatic. I don't want that. I had promised, during the beginning of this year, that I would start to change my sick, lazy, over-dramatic ways for a better one. Thus, I decided, that to start thinking differently, I should consider expressing myself differently as well. I considered, and here I am.

I'm also a fan of anime. I don't watch it much, but I marvel at its excellence time-to-time. My favourite animes include Naruto and Yu Yu Hakusho. Most people don't agree with my taste in shows, but I stand my ground when I say that old-school anime still rocks best.

Oh, well. I think that's enough of that; I mean, have you honestly ever seen an introduction this long?! Seriously. Its 10pm all ready here where I live, and I have a pop quiz for History tomorrow (though I don't know whether its still considered a pop quiz or not if you knew about it beforehand). Oh, God!! I'm so NOT ready. I have one page of unfinished Add Maths homework to do AND a test!! EEP.

Wish me luck, people.