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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another Ordinary Day

There isn't much to say, just that I regret not posting anything up yesterday. I was sleepy by 9.50pm (which really is surprising, considering I usually stay up til midnight, reading fanfiction!)

School has been busy, busy, busy!

I'm up to my legs (I should use neck, but that is too much, and knees are too little) in extra curriculur activities -- but, aah, I'll do it for the sake of getting out of NS. Its mostly to do with English (my favourite subject); I have debate to tend to (as last year's first speaker I found it was my unnoficial duty to bridge back an fourth between the debaters and the teacher in charge!), essays to look forward to, and (here's a new one!), literature classes to think about.

Aaah, the burden...

I think the teacher wants me to get a name list of all the people interested and photocopy the papers for them, but I'm not exactly sure.

Being the total idiot I was, I could do nothing but stutter, "ummm", evertime somebody asks me questions regarding debate or the essay writing competition or the literature classes! For some reason, everybody thinks I'm in charge -- and I have unnoficially put the post upon myself once again! Aaah....

Pavithra's b'day is coming up soon, and, I don't whether it was a good idea to post this up here, considering anybody can easily find it and the surprise would be totally ruined (though I'm not sure whether its supposed to be a surprise). I think we're gonna have some sort of tea party this Sunday...

Hmm. Another problem: what to buy??

I need a good gift to get her, and I was thinkin' I could do something simple on the computer -- I'll just click a few buttons, add a few flashy images and POOF! The perfect present.

I doubt that's possible, however.

Maybe I'll end up buying chocolate, AGAIN.

Anyways, according to mum, we'll have to cancel our trip to the hotsprings with Roslyn this Sunday if we're having the party. Oh, no! And I really wanted to go, too! All that relaxation would probably do me some good.

Valentines day is coming up and Qis has invited me for this "Valentines Day Fund Raiser". Melissa wants me to go, but I'm not sure I should... besides, with all those couples there I'd probably stand out as the third wheel, and I really don't want that to happen!

Ugh. I can so picture my self; grimacing in the corner with a plate of food in front of my face, as, to the left and right of me, couples are giving each other lovey-dovey looks, or dancing on the dance floor. Yck!

Oh well. Thats all from me, then. I'll check back soon when I have something more interesting to tell. Ja ne!

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